How to Use to Create and Sell Online Workshops

Sharad Gupta
2 min readJul 30, 2023


Online workshops have become a popular way to share knowledge, skills, and expertise with others.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or educator, online workshops are an excellent way to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience. is a platform that makes it easy to create and sell online workshops, and in this article, we will show you how to get started.

The first step to creating an online workshop with is to sign up for an account. Once you’ve signed up, you can start creating your workshop by selecting the “Workshop” option from the left-hand menu. From there, you can choose from a variety of workshop templates that provides.

Once you’ve selected a template, you can begin customizing it to suit your needs. You can add your own branding, logos, images, and videos, as well as create your own workshop content. allows you to create and upload your workshop content in various formats, including videos, audios, and PDFs. You can also create quizzes and surveys to engage your audience and gather feedback.

Once you’ve created your workshop content, it’s time to set your pricing and payment options. makes it easy to set up payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe, and you can also create coupon codes and discounts for your customers.

After you’ve set up your payment options, you can start promoting your workshop. allows you to create landing pages and opt-in forms to capture leads, and you can also create email campaigns to promote your workshop to your audience.

When it comes to selling your workshop, provides you with various options. You can sell your workshop as a standalone product or bundle it with other products or services. You can also offer upsells and downsells to increase your revenue and provide your customers with additional value.

One of the best things about is that it provides you with all the tools you need to create and sell your workshop in one place. You don’t have to worry about integrating different platforms or services to create a seamless experience for your customers.

Another advantage of using is that it provides you with detailed analytics and reports on your workshop performance. You can track your sales, conversion rates, and customer engagement, and use that information to improve your workshop in the future.

In conclusion, is an excellent platform for creating and selling online workshops.

It provides you with all the tools you need to create engaging workshop content, set up payment options, and promote your workshop to your audience.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or educator, can help you create a successful online workshop that showcases your expertise and connects you with your audience.

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